Hello (again)

Baden Powell
founder of Scouting
Thinking Day On The Air

  • Special
  • Event
  • Station
  • PB24BP

Time to start:

We have started.



About BP

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell, (22 February 1857 – 8 January 1941) was a British Army officer, writer, founder and first Chief Scout of the world-wide Scout Movement, and founder, with his sister Agnes, of the world-wide Girl Guide/Girl Scout Movement. Baden-Powell authored the first editions of the seminal work Scouting for Boys, which was an inspiration for the Scout Movement.

BP on Wikipedia

About the station

  • PB24BP
  • Special Event Station


We commemorate Robert Baden-Powell (BP) - founder of the biggest world youth movement Scouting - with Special Event Station PB24BP.

logoFor the boys organization, JOTA (Jamboree On The Air) was organized, for the girls TDOTA (Thinking Day On The Air) is the Radio Scouting event. JOTA is held in October each year, TDOTA in the third full weekend of February each year.

The station will be active during 3 days from Friday 16 February up to Sunday 18 February 2024. Several amateur radio operators (see below) will activate the station and will try to make as many contact worldwide as possible. Operators of PB24BP are the operators of the PA3EFR/J-crew, a specialist group of Scouters, members of Scouting Netherlands through the national Fellowship called Plusscouts. In addition, we invited some distinguished guests to join our team. This crew primarily brings TDOTA and JOTA to Scouting groups that are eager to get involved in the annual global Radio Scouting activities.

All bands, all modes are intended, mainly voice, but also including digital modes:

  • DMRTalkGroup 907 - JOTA
  • EcholinkConference bridge JOTA-365/direct PA3EFR # 100281
  •   QSL

    QSL for PB24BP via PA3EFR, including SWL.




    Two operating positions with mainly Yaesu transceivers. Legal limit solid state amplifiers. Bandpass filters. N1MM logging on laptop computers.


    Large existing antennapark, currently used for government services. Low man-made noise, great take-off and close to the sea. Consisting of several directional antennas and verticals, manufactured by R&S and others, comprising several (extended) Reussen antennas (either 3,5-30Mhz or 1,5- 30Mhz), steerable horizontal as well as vertical log periodic antennas, the STA110 vertical and the Hx002 dipole.


    • 7

    • Radio Scouting enthousiast
    • (Inter)national special events
    • World Scout Jamboree experience
    • Chairman Plusscouts PA3EFR/J
    • Expert in Sketchup, novice in Python applications
    • Webmaster www.PA3EFR.nl
    • Active DARES member
    • Requires large amounts of good food on regular moments
    • Appreciates a good whisky
    • Much more ...

    • Radio Scouting enthousiast
    • (Inter)national special events
    • World Scout Jamboree experience
    • Quartermaster Plusscouts PA3EFR/J
    • Comms Chief Intercamp for several years
    • Experienced in antenna development and building
    • Land Rover enthousiast (driving, restoring/building)
    • Mobile operator
    • Outdoor person
    • Coffee and BBQ

    • Digital mode operator
    • QSL-manager Region 18 in The Netherlands
    • Webmaster Haags QSL Bureau
    • Member Plusscouts PA3EFR/J
    • Member Veron/VRZA
    • 33% of PA6ML
    • Supportive role during JOTA
    • Loves LEGO and different DIY hobbies
    • Avid Minecraft player

    • Co-sysop repeaters PI1NLB PI2NLB PI8NLB
    • Working HF DX
    • Portable operation
    • Mainly CW
    • Homebrew activities
    • Worked from VK, UA, 9K, TA, 9A, 4O, E7, ET... etc
    • Active JOTA operator
    • Webmaster RCL and many SES stations
    • Much more...

    • Portable operation, often QRP
    • WWFF (Flora & Fauna)
    • Phone, digital and increasingly CW
    • JOTA operator
    • 33% of PA6ML
    • Sysop repeater PI2SWK
    • Network and systems engineer
    • Scripting as a necessity
    • Electronics as a hobby with a bit of coding on the side
    • Operator of several SES

    • Operator PA6HQ
    • Building antennas
    • Welding/construction
    • Contest station/operator PE6A
    • JOTA operator
    • Operator several SES
    • WWFF portable activation
    • Mainly SSB

    • Radio Scouting enthousiast
    • (inter)national special events
    • Over 30 years Scouting experience
    • Secretary Plusscouts PA3EFR/J
    • Likes special beers

    Commemorating Robert Baden-Powell with a Special Event Station in 2024

    Contact us

    If you want to contact us for whatever reason, please send us a message.

      Reach us at



    Klarebeekweg 17, 3253 LC Ouddorp
    The Netherlands (WW-locator: JO11wt)

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